
Stephanie Dawn Clark
1 min readJun 10, 2022

Make no mistake — we have ALL experienced trauma.
By this last year.
By the systems that don’t serve us.
By our childhood.
By our birth.
By the conditioning from our ancestors.
By our lovers and partners.
By what we’ve seen.
By what we’ve been told.
By what we’ve participated in.
And no, trauma is not a choice.
Trauma is any stressful experience that cannot be processed fully by your body.
But, knowing all this,
Healing IS a choice.
Healing is allowing wounding to reveal itself,
Layer by layer,
In its own time and way,
Trusting its time and way,
And knowing that your
ARE the wounding of the past
Revealing themselves to you,
Bud by bud,
Flower by flower,
Asking for your attention.
It doesn’t have to be hard,
To shine the light of love
On each blossom of hurt,
Feeling them in your body.
Being with them.
You see,
You feel,
That it only takes minutes,
To fully honor
And be with them ALL.
The whole bouquet of healing,
For yourself,
Your family,
Your ancestors,
And the cosmos itself.



Stephanie Dawn Clark

I am a Capacity Coach who helps pioneers of the new paradigm courageously make their unique contribution in this lifetime.