

I am grateful for every step

That brought me here.

Every desire,

Every mistake,

Every lesson,

Even the most costly.

I give thanks for each lesson

Disguised as a beloved,

I give thanks for the beloved.

I offer myself to this land,

So that I may be a blessing,

So that I may restore what was taken,

And leave here without a trace.

I willingly shed my illusions,

Layer by layer by layer,

Until I am standing naked

Before the void.

I bow in honor to the Mystery,

The one I used to call God,

Who has orchestrated the symphony of this life,

With whom I play hide and seek,

And to whom I give my devotion.

In awe, I rest.



Stephanie Dawn Clark

I am a Capacity Coach who helps pioneers of the new paradigm courageously make their unique contribution in this lifetime.