It’s ALL About YOU
My work with people is intra-personal because my own journey in this lifetime is intra-personal. On some level, everyone’s is.
If you don’t create your own foundation of self, it doesn’t matter who you love, it doesn’t matter how much money you make, it doesn’t matter how fit you are, it doesn’t matter what community you are in — you will keep repeating the same patterns. The same conditioning.
To enter into your own process, your own experiment, is to see that there is no self-improvement. Only self-awareness and acceptance and releasing the conditioning that prevents it. And from there, anything is possible.
To see who you are meant to be in this lifetime and to love that, sets you completely free. You are alone, but not lonely. And THAT is where true relating begins, true prosperity lives, and where love flows. And, depending on your energetic blueprint, it can be easier or harder to see this clearly.
This is my work, to reveal your energetic blueprint and your purpose to you, so that your journey into alignment can expand.