I must speak to the patriarchal brain.
Our current understanding of the brain structure and how it works is based in severely outdated ideas, formed by visual inspection of the brain alone. This theory, which has never been proven, only accepted, is called the triune brain, and it results in many of the beliefs and methods we currently use to address emotions and mental illness.
I call it the patriarchal brain because its foundations lie in the belief that as humans we must conquer our emotions in favor of rationality. That our minds are in constant battle to overcome our animal instincts and emotions, which will lead us astray. This is supported by categorizing three different areas of the brain — the neo-cortex, the limbic system, and the reptilian brain. Further, each of these systems supposedly control our different behaviors — so, for instance, if you are triggered, your amygdala is running the show.
Well, as it turns out, none of this is true.
It only supports the patriarchal foundations of religion, dominance, and denial of the feminine principle. In actuality, the brain is not compartmentalized, rationality and emotions are NOT at war, and we as humans are NOT superior to other mammals in brain design.
There is no such thing as a limbic system dedicated to emotions. The amygdala is NOT running the show when you are triggered. We, as humans did not win the natural selection contest.
It is time to dispel these myths about the brain, the mind, and how emotions REALLY operate. to serve us These myths imprison our natural ability to resolve past stressful events and experience the fullness of life.
It is time for us to tap into the FULL potential of our brains and the mind they create.