The Surprising Thing That Keeps You Safe and How to Get It
It’s easy (and understandable) to feel afraid and powerless in the face of the disruption and conflict we’re currently in.
But…these are not the ONLY responses. They might not even be the BEST responses.
These are survival responses.
When we’re triggered, even if it makes total sense, our capacity for making the correct decisions shrinks exponentially.
Whether it’s the fear of Trump getting re-elected, or getting sucked into a war, or the climate collapsing, the pattern is the same.
Our minds spin what-if scenarios, strategizing things that may or may not happen. Or we zone out, watching TV and pretend that it isn’t happening. We become distracted rather than present.
And the capacity to STAY PRESENT is what actually keeps us safe.
It is what allows us to listen to our inner authority, and to be guided by something beyond the mind.
Like the animals that instinctively seek higher ground before a tsunami.
It is possible to face extreme uncertainty, up to and including death, without fear. I have. So have my clients.
It may seem hard to comprehend, but that capacity IS possible. And in the world we inhabit today, that kind of capacity is precious to me, and I intentionally cultivate it for myself and with my clients. And it doesn’t require stockpiling arms or canned food (unless you just like to).
How do you build that capacity?
It’s actually easier than you might think, and it doesn’t require training as a Navy Seal. It all comes down to your nervous system, and its capacity to process whatever is happening to you in any given moment.
Everyone is born with an innate capacity to meet life, but this capacity is compromised by actually living life and facing things that we can’t process in the moment (trauma).
Every unprocessed traumatic event shrinks our capacity to meet life.
Fortunately, the body is designed to process the wounds created by traumatic events. Unfortunately, most people do not know about or use this process, even though it is gentle, simple, and does not require you to even remember the traumatic event.
This process is what I use with my clients to restore their capacity to meet life and what I teach them to do for themselves. All you need to do this process is to identify something that is holding you back, scaring you, causing you pain — anything that is disrupting your ability to live your life.
That is the doorway in. Reach out if you want to open the door.