Yeah, but…can you SUSTAIN it?
Anyone can have a peak experience…but how do you turn it into a permanent shift?
Sometimes peak experiences are not meant to be sustained. They expand us more than we can sustain, but they also show us possibilities that we were not aware of. They give us glimpses of what is possible, thereby becoming a north star for our journey.
In general, the bigger the shift, the harder it is to sustain.
But when a shift is consciously crafted, it can be managed so that most or all of it can be sustained in your entire being — body, mind, and spirit. It’s kind of like scuba diving — you can only rise so fast without getting the bends! The body and mind need to acclimate.
How do you do this?
I call it coherence. Your whole being sustains a shift when there is coherence, when no part of you — body, mind, emotions, or spirit — is resisting or stuck in a different place.
Two common ways that incoherence shows up after a peak experience or shift include:
- Cognitive dissonance, leading to discounting or dismissing the experience
- Resistance in the form of fear, leading to constriction or contraction
In my work expanding people’s capacity for creating and sustaining shifts in their lives, we specifically craft paradigm shifts so that they are able to reach coherence and their new levels of creative power and perspective are integrated. We do this by allowing the subconscious and conscious mind and the body to align — gently and rapidly.
I use a beautiful method called Emotional Resolution, which allows the body’s OWN innate capacity to integrate unresolved trauma, update outdated belief matrices, and bring your entire being into alignment.